Why Hire a Transaction Consultant?
Because your time should produce $100 per hour results!
Running a Mega Team for 3 years has taught us a lot about real estate agents. Each agent has their own set of unique quirks, habits, fears, and pain points! We found that within our team one consistent pain point existed and that was the colossal time drain of transactional management. When the deal is signed, many agents work harder not smarter! They unknowingly turn themselves into customer service representatives and begin working for minimum wage. This time drain yields a return of ZERO dollars per hour, because the compensation of the sale has already been determined. The most successful agents realize this TRAP and they leverage their time with money. If you're time is worth $100 per hour, then pay someone to do the $20 per hour work. This approach allows a producing agent to stay productive by focusing on lead generation and lead conversion. Both of those activities are money makers and they ensure the agent will avoid the pipeline crash!